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bill kaulitz greek street team....

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ΔημοσίευσηΘέμα: One...Bravo...Dotas   One...Bravo...Dotas Icon_minitimeΚυρ Οκτ 05, 2008 5:08 am

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Tokio Hotel interview One No. 54 French
At the beginning of September, the Tokio Hotel returned home after a gruelling American tour. Next step: recording the successor to “Zimmer 483″. Just before they go into the studio, we’ve chatted a few minutes with them to take stock of these recent months. Bill and Tom also talk about their next album …
So guys, glad to be back home after your American journey?
Bill:Yes, we are very happy to be back home and with our families … We really loved to spend all this time in the United States, but we really began to have difficulties with the country. A month abroad is a long time …
Tom:As for me, I admit that it really wouldn’t have bothered me to stay a little longer. I love the US. First, in terms of clothes, it’s really great there. I brought a ton of clothes and several pairs of sneakers that you can’t find in Europe. And then, I feel really comfortable in big cities like New York and Los Angeles. I really enjoyed it there …
Your goal was to break through in the United States. Do you have the feeling that you have attained it?
Tom:Frankly, none of us four expected that there’d be so many fans at our concerts. It has always been sold out and the public was as crazy over there as in Europe. I think, we have fulfilled our contract. The mission is accomplished in a way (laughter).
Georg:We all feel to have managed to achieve something great. I don’t think that before us a German band has met such hype in the USA.
Yet, one can slow a bit down the enthusiasm of your American success: during your promo there, you have sold only 100,000 albums, while the goal was to reach 500,000…
Bill:You’re right, despite our efforts, “Scream” has not really taken off in the U.S. charts. Frankly, I don’t know what the reason is. We have done our best to make our music known to as many people, but the U.S. market is very difficult to access for foreign artists. However, without wanting to sing our own praises, selling 100,000 albums is still enormous for a German band. We are not disappointed by this result.
Tom:What we enjoyed the most was to receive an MTV Video Music Awards for Best New Artist. We didn’t expect that at all since we were in competition with Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry or Taylor Swift, who are far more popular than us over there. To receive this award was a real shock. To date, it may be the best reward we have received for our career. In addition, I must say that I really enjoyed seeing the confused puss of Miley Cyrus when the winners, in other words us, have been announced … (laughter)
You don’t seem to have taken her to your heart…
Tom:On the one hand, I am not a fan of what she does, plus, she doesn’t have the physical criteria that I look for in a girl. So, everything is said. (laughter)
Bill: Tom talks bullshit, as usual! He is an uptight fan of “Hannah Montana”, I’ve have already caught him watching some episodes secretly. (laughter)
Tom:We will settle that tonight. Secretly …
How many times have you been asked where did the band name come from when you were in the US?
Bill: (laughter) I don’t know. 250 times, the number of interviews we gave there … I thought, we had returned three years back. The total horror.
Tom: “How did you come to music” is also a question that has often been asked … Of course, it’s boring having to repeat the same thing for the thousandth time. But it makes humble, it reminds us that not everyone is supposed to know us. It does us good to regain that feeling to start from scratch or almost… We’ve got down a bit from our little cloud.
Georg:Yeah, but I admit that it’s annoying, though. I thought that American journalists would have a little better swot their subject before meeting us. Alas, no …
If you have to treasure a noteworthy event of this trip, which would it be?
Bill:For me, it would probably be one of the signing sessions that we organized in a record store. It’s always great to be able to meet our fans and listen to the stories they tell. These meetings have inspired me a lot for our next album …
“Despite our efforts, “Scream” has not really taken off in the U.S. charts. Frankly, I do not know what the reason is.” Bill
Tom:As for me, I especially remember the times when two fans managed to get into my hotel room while I was getting ready to go to bed. I have absolutely no idea how they managed to find us … However, I must say it was a rather pleasant surprise. But I can not tell you the sequel, I let that to your imagination … (laughter)
Let’s talk about serious things now, the preparation of your third album. What is its state of affairs exactly?
Tom:We are just about to go into the studio. Needless to say we are 100% focused on this new project. That is why you will certainly not hear much about us in the coming months …
Bill:Yes, we are aware that this is one of the most important steps in our career. The pressure is enormous, but we try not to think about it too much. Our goal is to ensure that this album is simply the best we have recorded.
What can we expect sound-wise?
Tom: The idea is to make songs that surprise our fans and show a facet of us they probably don’t know. We don’t want to rest on our achievements and record a second “Zimmer 483″. The idea is to take some more risks, while maintaining our identity ..
Bill:We also want our lyrics to be more personal. That is certainly the effort that I make. Everything I’ve experienced in the past year greatly inspired me and I filled notebooks full of lyrics …
If this third album was going worse than the previous two, would that make you worry about the continuation of your career?
Bill: I know that it would please some people if we fail with our next album. The success has not only attracted sympathies for us, far from it… Now, we don’t rack our brains over it. As I said, we are going to make the best possible album. And if it is less well received than “Schrei” or “Zimmer 483″, frankly, it wouldn’t be the end of the world …
Tom: Actually, no band can stay on top forever, we are aware of that. For now, our career is like a fairy tale, it is almost too good to be true. We’ll surely experience throwbacks. But whatever happens, we are so passionate about music that we’ll never stop doing it, that’s for sure.
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One...Bravo...Dotas Empty
ΔημοσίευσηΘέμα: Απ: One...Bravo...Dotas   One...Bravo...Dotas Icon_minitimeΚυρ Οκτ 05, 2008 5:09 am

A few weeks ago we celebrated at Gran Concierto 97.7 and I had the chance of going to the backstage to interview Tokio Hotel in German! Well, here it is…
Arturo: Hello boys, how are you?
Bill: Very good! We had a lot of fun at the concert, the fans were crazy and we were happy!
Arturo: How were you as students, when you weren’t in tune with music? Bill: I have to tell you I don’t like school at all, (…) I think it was the worst parto f my life. *laughs*
Arturo: How did you feel on this concert in Mexico? What did you think about the girls? Gustav: Very good, we had an autograph session where they welcomed us so well, they’re an amazing audience!
Arturo: In a group of friends there’s always someone who arrives later or who falls asleep (…) Bill: Well, Georg always arrives late. Georg: That’s not true! *laughs* I think I’m working on it.
Arturo: Sometimes, when you’re travelling, some things happen or someone has a teddy bear, can you explain me that? Bill: We’ve been through a lot in the hotels… the girls climb to the balconies and sometimes with no clothes on!
Arturo: Oh! Now I know why you’re called Tokio Hotel! *laughs* Tom: … Well, all of us love big cities, and for that we chose Tokyo…
Arturo: Mexico is a big city… you could be called Mexico City Hotel, no? Bill: *laughs* We chose the Hotel because we have this dream of travelling and visiting many countries.
Arturo: What’s next, after being here in Mexico? Bill: We’ll be at the MTV Latinoamerica in Guadalajara, wow!
Arturo: I really appreciated that you came to Gan Concierto 97.7 Tom (in Spanish): Muchas gracias! (Thank you very much)
Arturo: Do you know any other word in Spanish? Gustav: Cómo estás, Chica? (How are you, girl?) Bill: I don’t know. Tom: Viva México! Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg had fun in Mexico, they drove their fans crazy during an autograph session and then we had the opportunity to talk with them! Unforgettable!
Here they come!
More than 3,500 fans met at a square in Mexico City to meet Tokio Hotel, and only 2000 bracelets were given, with the buy of the last album Scream, and by the end only 1200 CD’s got their covers signed, which caused confusion among many fans, some of them even ripped of the posters and part of the stage! Oops!
Emotions found…
The fans showed their admiration through many ways: they sang by heart the lyrics, and they also jumped of excitement and other cried really hard (…).
They said…
On the day after the autograph session, these boys talked with the media and told us what was going on with them… super cool!
From Germany to Mexico!
Despite setbacks, these boys behaved so well, never took away the smile on their faces and they were really surprised with the response from their audience, what let them more relieved!
Consent to the fans…
How did you feel? Bill: Very good, we had the opportunity to meet many girls and we weren’t expecting so much love. It was awesome!
Two thousand bracelets were delivered, but only 1200 autographs were given; why was that? Bill: It was bad and I feel sorry for hearing about it, the record company told us that there were only 50 autographs missing, and that we should finish it immediately, for safety reasons.
During the autograph session a lot of fans fainted and cried, does that ruin the good mood? Bill: No, on the contrary, we like to see when people are hysteric for us, that gives us a lot of energy that we can use on stage.
Very internationals…
Why did you decide to record your lyrics in English and in German? Tom: We wanted everyone to understand our lyrics, and English is the universal language.
Are you preparing your next performance for the MTV Latin? Tom: We haven’t decided anything yet, but it’s something where we can show you something amazing.
When will you be back to our country, for a concert? Tom: We know it will be soon, we really liked being here.
Which artist would destroy your album? Tom: That shouldn’t happen for any reason, I think we must respect any type of music.
A phenomenon…
Do you think you’re ambassadors of German rock? Tom: We’ve never thought that, but everything can happen.
German bands are known for being “cold”, however, seems like you have something Latin, what do you think of that? Bill: There’s no way that we won’t greet and smile if we’re happy for being here, for meeting new countries and cultures, and thanks for considering us a bit Latin, maybe you’re right! *laughs*
Which message do you want to tell with your lyrics? Tom: We don’t want to tell anything specific, all tracks are different, we just want people to have fun while listening to them.
Secrets of the twins…
Bill, tell us about your bizarre look, do you get inspiration from someone? Bill: Around 8 years old I went to a Halloween party and since then I started trying some hairdos and make-up, they’re part of my personality!
Once twins, when did it all changed between Tom and Bill? Bill: Until when we were 6 y/o we looked pretty much the same and only after that we started on changing the clothing, but we’ve always been too similar on the inside.
Did you ever switch personalities to be with girls? Tom: Yes, once we even dated the same girl, but I kissed her first! *laughs*
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One...Bravo...Dotas Empty
ΔημοσίευσηΘέμα: Απ: One...Bravo...Dotas   One...Bravo...Dotas Icon_minitimeΚυρ Οκτ 05, 2008 5:10 am

It is not all gold that glitters. Tokio Hotel is also annoyed of some sites of their celebrity life..
For three years, they are under constant observation. Whether on holiday on the Maldives, the stroll through Paris or in front of every hotel in the world. Wherever Bill (19), Tom (19), Gustav (20) and Georg (21) stay, paparazzi are not far, an photoflash-storm goes down to the guys. Not always to the delight of the four, as they betrayed BRAVO …

BRAVO: What do you hate in your life as a star?
BILL: The positive outweighs the course. But I hate it, that we don’t have any private stuff. And the badest thing are the paparazzi!
TOM: For us, it’s important, to protect the life of our family and freinds. They have nothing to do with our job. If we are with them, it’s bad for us, especially when paparazzi appear.
BILL: You have to be truly an evil man, to be a paparazzi. I hate them.
BRAVO: Thereby, you have luck here in Germany - here are paparazzi harmless …
TOM: That’s true. In other countries it’s really harder. In France and America are the paparazzi the most glaring.
BRAVO: What is annoying you?
BILL: Sometimes, everything it too much for me. Then I lie in the bed and think: “I can’t anymore!” Then I will simply not stand up, can’t laugh for a shooting into the camera or inspire people. I feel as if someone have to help me. Because I totally lacking self-confidence and I simply want a break.
TOM: Sometimes I have homesickness.
GEORG: When I’m long on the road, I miss my family. And then, sometimes I get a bad mood.
BILL: I get oftener sich. And if I’m away from home, is this terrible. Then I’m missing Germany totally. I’m also sad, when I’m alone in the hotel room. As much as I love it, to be with the band on the road - in hotel rooms I’m really sentimental. I can’t even say exactly why. But then I wish myself into my own bed. While Tom would never admit it, but I bet he is sometimes sad. At the latest, when his hotel room acquaintances are gone again.
TOM: I also miss often the german toilet paper. (laughs). If we are at the end of the world, we’re really looking forward to coming home …
BRAVO: You have to live with many scandals and rumors. How do you handle with it?
BILL: Mostly we know it before, what there will be. Sooner, when we had dinner at the club, we knew exactly what there will be at the next day in the newspaper: “Teenagers drink alcohol. How can they be a role model?!”
TOM: Or something like: “Tom sits alone at the table - separates the band?”, is also very popular.
GUSTAV: Or: “Bill looks sad - does he have depressions?”
TOM: Everything, that people, who never know us personally, write about us, I don’t really care. But if it’s about our families, it’s not okay.
BRAVO: There was the story about your grandfather, who allegedly shooted around…
BILL: The funny thing is, that this wasn’t our grandfather. We even didn’t knew this man …
TOM: Just over 20,000 corners. But everbody says, that we’re related with him.
BILL: Just like in school. There was then suddenly every girl with us together and each class mates were our best friends. And I should also owe all the people twenty euro
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